

Welcome to Access Gourmet, your catering partner in the Greater Zurich Area.


Events at Our Venues

We’re pleased to invite you and your work colleagues to Le Monde, Fresh Tastes and Grepery Dübendorf-Stettbach for special events, meetings, networking and much more. Please contact us to discuss the particulars of your event.

Appetizer Platters for Your Event

Let us deliver our special meat and/or vegetarian appetizer platters. Learn more about this offer here (PDF, German only).

Gourmet Layers

The lasagne all-rounder – fresh and tasty just like in a restaurant: now available from Fresh Tastes for retail, hotels and restaurants. Farm stores in the region and the Jelmoli
Food Market are already among our satisfied customers. Contact us to try our handmade premium frozen product with local ingredients in your range. Learn more about this offer here (PDF, German only).

Food Point Meals for Your Company

We recommend our Food Point meals for your staff’s daily dining needs. Food Point dishes are always balanced (starch sides, protein and vegetables), are prepared in a wok and mostly consist of regional ingredients. Heat up Food Point dishes in the microwave in just a few minutes. Find out more about this offer in the overview (PDF, German only).

We look forward to hearing from you and will let the following customer testimonials speak for Access Gourmet’s catering services:



Smile Direct (Helvetia Group)
Valeria Roos, CEO’s Office
“We enjoyed our Christmas party at Fresh Tastes and appreciated the friendliness and attention of the Access Gourmet staff. The combination of the cosy lounge and a flying dinner made for a relaxing atmosphere. – Looking forward to a repeat!” (Translated)

Siegfried Bertl, CIO Office
“Access Gourmet set up a wine tasting on ‘Organic Wines’ for our team. This, in collaboration with Smith & Smith. – A successful event in a small but nice setting and recommendable for a team building exercise at any time!” (Translated)

University Hospital Zurich
Dr. Antje Thien, Directorate for Research and Teaching
“For big, internal meetings, we ordered the Access Gourmet Just-in-Time Lasagne offer as a Flying Lunch. The ‘Carefree Package’, including clearing up, was most convenient. – A cost-effective (and tasty!) solution for every big office setting.” (Translated)

Veriduna Treuhand
Fabian Imwinkelried, Partner & Managing Director
“The customized lunch bags from Fresh Tastes enable social distancing-compliant meetings and, in addition, are more affordable than video conferencing. – Recommendable for all those who don’t want to do without in-person interaction in the workplace!” (Translated)

Bruno Fritschi, Project Lead / Portfolio Manager
“Catering on short notice in combination with custom offers? – We’re are happy to recommend Access Gourmet for just that! With in-season appetizers, such as Zurich truffles and fresh Dübendorf veggies, our gathering (on a large construction site) was all the more enjoyable.” (Translated)

Claudia Fiechter, Executive Assistant
“I worked in the food & beverage sector for many years and give great importance to the freshness of the food and the caterer’s customer orientation. Both criteria are satisfied by Access Gourmet – a fresh catering offer, friendly and forthcoming staff and all of the above at a good price-performance ratio. The fact that all ingredients are sourced locally, is a big plus.” (Translated)

City of Zurich
Bea Huber, Contract Management Officer
“Fresh Tastes lunch bags are part of the routine at our conferences! At meetings with over 20 participants, this handy meal format is always much appreciated. – Especially because we’re able to choose what goes inside and make changes easily. To round it all off, this solution is ‘COVID-compatible’…” (Translated)

Claudio Zihlmann, Party Chair Districts 7/8 & Member of the City of Zurich Municipal Council
“We first held our board meeting in an elegant meeting room at the Grepery immediately adjacent to Stettbach train station, followed by dinner on the terrace. We loved the service and the food as well as the ambience. We are happy to recommend Grepery for casual lunches, dinners or a drink but also for meetings. We will be happy to come back again!”

Susanne Krieg, Head of Finance & Human Resources
“We booked the Le Monde venue, immediately adjacent to the Stettbach train station, for our Christmas dinner party 2022. From the mulled wine over the aperitif to the dessert, we were completely spoiled and will gladly come again.”

Vanessa Bürge, Consultant Financial Services
“The choice for our team dinner fell on the restaurant Le Monde this year. The service was courteous, the food excellent and the location, right next to the Stettbach train station, ideal. The relaxed atmosphere and the attractively designed room contributed to a successful company event. I am happy to recommend Le Monde for offsite meetings and corporate events of all kinds.”

Karoline Diefke
“I wanted to thank you very much for preparing and hosting out my celebration at Le Monde in such a professional and pleasant way! Also a big thank you to the Le Monde team on site for the great service. My guests were all thrilled and felt comfortable – and I was able to enjoy the evening to the fullest 😊”



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Access Gourmet AG (nachfolgend „Access Gourmet“)
Sonnentalstrasse 12
8600 Dübendorf

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